A L E K S E Y   D O B R O T V O R S K I I Russian language   RUS
Sunset over the field 
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 Sunset over the field
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Picture Number1006 
TitleSunset over the field 
Year of creation2021 
Sizes8"x8" (20cm x 20cm) 
MaterialsOil on wood panel 
Painting StyleImpressionism 
Price149 $
DescriptionThe painting is a copy. It would seem that it is possible to say about a copy, but it is possible and necessary to talk. Firstly, the location of the canvas is vertical in contrast to the original, and secondly, the material on which the work is done is very different - it is plywood, not cardboard, and as a result, a completely different texture and oil lies in a completely different way. The oil is absorbed very quickly into cardboard, and it dries much slower on plywood, so it reflects the color of the dried oil in a different way. Thirdly, such a surface is filled with oil paints heterogeneously, unlike cardboard, and therefore wood painting has a large volume. 
 Sunset over the field 
 Sunset over the field 
 Sunset over the field 
KeywordsSunset over the field, silver leaf artwork, oil beige landscape, malerische bilder, sky original art, beige oil paintings, oil painting canvas, landscape large pict, pass the mountain, vintage oil painting, modern home décor, landscape pink, oil painting river, large painting canva 