A L E K S E Y   D O B R O T V O R S K I I Russian language   RUS
Vibrant colors 
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 Vibrant colors
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Picture Number1068 
TitleVibrant colors 
Year of creation2021 
Sizes10"x10" (25cm x 25cm) 
MaterialsOil on stretched canvas 
Painting StyleClassicism 
Price140 $
MountingReady for hanging 
DescriptionLife is a surf, try to become like the sea. Always different, then affectionate and calm, then bubbling, then absolutely serene. When I encounter difficulties, I go to the sea to remind myself how unimportant vanity is. Life by the sea. This is the best thing – to hear its noise day and night, inhale its smell, walk along the shore and look beyond the horizon, where the earth ends. The smell of the sea and the sounds of the sea are something that a sailor cannot forget. It is the best and purest smell and the sweetest sound. 
 Vibrant colors 
 Vibrant colors 
 Vibrant colors 
KeywordsVibrant colors, birthday holiday, vibrant color art, pastel color artwork, summer time artwork, wedding wire décor, gifts ideas for her, oil paintings small, oil on wood panel, vintage oil painting, seascape decor art, with love for her, birthday present, moody lovely picture 