A L E K S E Y   D O B R O T V O R S K I I Russian language   RUS
An Impending storm 
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 An Impending storm
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Picture Number2035 
TitleAn Impending storm 
Year of creation2022 
Sizes4"x4" (10cm x 10cm) 
MaterialsOil on cardboard 
Painting StyleTonalism 
Price67 $
MountingReady for hanging 
DescriptionPeaceful life in the sky ends: - palaces are collapsing, the cloudy lake begins to rage, and the heavenly herds are scattered in different directions. Clouds, like frightened birds, begin to rush erratically and fussily across the sky, sowing fear that squeezes the heart with a soft paw of primordial horror. The free wind with great speed imperiously drives the clouds to meet each other. When they collide, they are pierced by bright and blinding lightning, and then a rolling thunder sounds triumphant. All the clouds merge into a single organism. He rages, rages, rages, and rumbles loudly, passionately, and selflessly wasting strength and power. The wind weaves into the chorus of madness a dashing whistle, laughter, the ringing of fragments of thunder. The mighty body of the gloomy cloud is pierced through by fiery needles, stitching the fabric of time and space for a moment. 
 An Impending storm 
 An Impending storm 
 An Impending storm 
KeywordsAn Impending storm, clouds oil painting, small painting, white cloud painting, kitchen décor, dreamscape cloud, cloud oil painting, painting living room, nursery wall art, neutral cloud painting, primitive decor, horizon oil painting, cloud study, birthdays presents 