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Moonlight spots in a forest. (A copy of the painting by A.I.Kuindzhi in 1898.) 
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 Moonlight spots in a forest. (A copy of the painting by A.I.Kuindzhi in 1898.)
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Picture Number7002 
TitleMoonlight spots in a forest. (A copy of the painting by A.I.Kuindzhi in 1898.) 
Year of creation1996 
Sizes12"x14" (30cm x 35cm) 
MaterialsOil on canvas, cardboard 
Painting StyleModern, Abstract, Impressionism 
Price221 $
DescriptionI couldn't help but write this "copy". The power and influence that Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi had on me cannot be overestimated. I'm in love with his paintings. It should be noted that I never pursue the absolute authenticity of the image. I think it should be a shame to forge great masters, and it's almost impossible, but it's very interesting to play with colors and light next to the master. 
 Moonlight spots in a forest. (A copy of the painting by A.I.Kuindzhi in 1898.) 
 Moonlight spots in a forest. (A copy of the painting by A.I.Kuindzhi in 1898.) 
 Moonlight spots in a forest. (A copy of the painting by A.I.Kuindzhi in 1898.) 
KeywordsMoonlight spots in a forest. (A copy of the painting by A.I.Kuindzhi in 1898.), small art, oil painting original, abstract landscape painting, abstract canvas painting, contemporary painting, living room wall dг©cor, oil painting, original works of art, handmade art, palette knife, oil brush, impressionism, abstraction 